CTF Gorkhali 1.0 

Level : Beginner

Level 1 : "A respectful greeting". 
In this Lv.1 challenge you have to find a flag hidden somewhere in this page

Important Note : 
Once you get the flag, share screenshot result with hashtag : #ctfgorkhalilv1solved

Level 2 : "A place you must visit". 
In this Lv.2 challenge you have to find a flag in this FILE 
Flag starts with "$flag....."

Important Note : 
Once you get the flag, share screenshot result with hashtag : #ctfgorkhalilv2solved

Level 3 : "homestay (i hate jpeg images)". 
In this Lv.3 challenge you have to find 2 flags in this FILE
Flag 1 starts as "$flag..." and flag 2 starts as "$flag2...."

Important Note : 
Once you get the flag, share screenshot result with hashtag : #ctfgorkhalilv3solved

Level 4 : "Will You Visit ?"

CTF. Capture The Flag Hacking Game, Cybersecurity Game. Nepal.


  1. flag is in here use "CRL +F " and search for flag on source code of the website; to view-source:https://sites.google.com/view/ctf-gorkhali-1dot0/level-1-greeting

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Level 1 :$flag NAMASTE
    Level 2 :$flagPOKHARA
    Level 3 :
    $flag GHANDRUK

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. you got FLAG > > > "$flag NAMASTE"


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